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She Male Sex Stories
I Lived Just Like Characters From She Male Sex StoriesWalking the streets as a true shemale lady is not always easy. People have prejudice although, at the same time, you can see that those same people would fuck you in a second if they knew that nobody would find out. Something similar happened w... Lea la historia completa
Making Shemale Pic With The Sexy Photographer
When I first started working as a model, I did not realize that my life is going to become so interesting. When the photographer made my first shemale pic, he told me that I was made for this job. I enjoyed so much being in front of the camera. I was flirting with it, I was seducing it and every ... Lea la historia completa
My perfect gangbang
The perfect scene, the dream fantasy , the TGurl slut dressed to the nine's, a 5 star hotel suite, a nice group of classy black gentlemen, educated and professional, way too many men, 10, 15, 20 of them and they all want their pleasure, they all showed up with their balls full and they expect s... Lea la historia completa
How I became a GURL Part III
Now that I was fully versed in being a gurl, I needed to know if I could turn a man on in person, not just looking through a glory hole. I wanted to have a man treat me totally like a woman, take me to a hotel and make love to me, completely as a woman. But where to find the guy? The answer wa... Lea la historia completa
Sweet Tranny Face sitting heaven
My stories are my experiences and memories I like to look back at from time to time.I have had some real to honest God sent blind tranny dates giving me some of my best and happiest moments in my life. As I recall this one time coming across this beautiful nubian goddesses personal ad on Craigs... Lea la historia completa
My Ts Escorts Favorite Memories 1
I tend to turn to my dirty secret once a week. I had been searching for months for the sexiest escort to call when I finally got the nerve to call the ads on backpage. My most recent one was for a Cuban Goddess with a 9 inch FF verse, tall slim big titty small waist tight booty.. When I got to ... Lea la historia completa
Journeys of a girl finding herself... A wonderful date with my D
I nearly lost my virginity as a woman last night... I have been seeing a very sweet and sexy Domme for about a month now and she has been pushing me and making me see myself in new ways. I have talked about how when she started to introduce forced feminization upon me, she could tell it was not forc... Lea la historia completa
My ex Black Ts Girlfriend
God how I miss her she was my brown skinned small waist big booty nubian mami, We met online and Ill never forget the feeling I had driving over to met up for the first time. .. She was on her front porch waiting for me, smoking a cigarette. I pulled up to see her in some super small shorts tat her ... Lea la historia completa
How I became a GURL part II
So I'm in college now, I've learned to love and use porn in all its forms, I've learned to be a great cock sucker and to have my ass fucked. I've learned to tie myself up -- as best as possible -- to pee all over myself to get that humiliating feeling. I'd spread the porn mags all over the floor and... Lea la historia completa
My Hot Adventures In Shemales Chatrooms
I thought I had grown out of or just become completely bored of chatrooms years ago. I thought as I got older that spending hours online chatting to random people about nothing of any note or interest was something that I had just outgrown. But the other night I decided to have a look around online ... Lea la historia completa