Free Stories

First time knowing that I was a girl inside
I was always jealous of the girls when I was younger. Jealous of their playing, jealous of their clothes,etc. I felt different. So one night when I was young, I stole my moms high heels and pantyhose before she went to bed. Always felt the clothes were right for me and was mad I couldn't wear them. ... Read full Story
Tranvestite In Trouble Part 2
How could i have been so stupid? Here i was, trapped by a guy twice my size and weight, dressed as a sexy secretary, just as he'd asked me, kneeling on this filthy floor, with his solid 8" cock buried deep in my mouth, gagging me. Andrew was clearly loving acting out his scenario, with hi... Read full Story
His sexy flies catches my eye
Another routine day was passing as I carried my shopping bags back home. Turning up a side street the late afternoon sun shining I suddenly encountered the most sexy guy I had ever seen. He was so cool that I hadn't even seen guys on TV as cool and good looking as that. He was an Asian guy in his... Read full Story
Sissies Training Part 2
I drifted in and out of consciousness over the next hour, periodically snapped back into reality when the dildo assaulting my mouth would pause deep in my throat and eject a fresh deposit of cum into my bowels. Looking up at the television display of my abuse I would normally have been turned on by ... Read full Story
Forced Feminisation
It all started as just a game. i logged into a forced feminization chat room and portrayed myself as a slave being punished by my Mistress. Saying She had instructed me to enter this room for 5 minutes and obey any command given to me. It seemed harmless and exciting. How stupid could i have been. I... Read full Story
Seven Minutes in Heaven
This is purely a work of fiction about two 18/19 year olds... It is the summer before our first year of college and we are home alone at his house. My mom works from home, but his place will be empty until his sister gets home from her summer internship. We have been playing truth or dare since... Read full Story
16 ladyboys jerked off in front of me! live!
Just got back from Thailand and had a very special birthday present. A big party had been arranged for me at my favorite ladyboy bar and a “competition” had been secretly arranged for me. Had a nice party with balloons, food, drinks etc then a midnight I was told that it was now time ... Read full Story
The Mechanic
My name is Bruce, I am one of those mobile mechanic chaps you call out when something goes wrong with your car. You get to meet a nice variety of people, some good some not so, with some very good looking ladies thrown in as well, which make it nice. A lot of the clientele are people you see a coupl... Read full Story
First Real Cock I Got
I must have been around 15 and it was during a carnival festival. Most of the boys were dressed as cowboys, super heroes, firemen etc. For me it was the chance i was looking for to dress up on woman's clothes. I had picked up a mini dress, fishnet and a small top that was letting my belly free. I g... Read full Story
Woke up in a fuck
This is a small story so dont get pissed off k? Wednesday 2:00 AM I woke up not realizing where I am and looked around. I saw panties,boxers,bras,and about 5 guys fucking sleeping girls (3 girls) i saw that my shirt and bra was off but my skirt remained untouched. somehow i was atracted to the... Read full Story
My whole world changed when Brant came into the scene. I was all set to take over from father in the Jann Troika, something I’d been trained for since birth, and doing anything else just never entered my mind. Then I met Brant Tor, a Killian soldier. I’d met Killians before, and like ... Read full Story
First Time With A Dominant
I had long been interested in BDSM, specifically female domination. After downloading a shemale dominatrix video by mistake, I became interested in a dominant shemale. I consulted the internet looking for something, and when my wife was away for the week for business, I finally decided to go ahead a... Read full Story
Domination Island Part 4
`More brew, Sweetie?' he heard Janine ask. `Fill me up,' the voice of Serena said above him. Then he heard her snort and chuckle, then she added: `An' den I'll fill him up.' The sound of female laughter went on for a long time. This was sheer Hell. He'd come to Hell and that's where he was be... Read full Story
My Second Cock Dream
I had another dream the other night that I'd like to share with you. I'm starting to develop a nasty habit of going to bed horny so that I can see these dreams. Maybe I'm addicted. I don't care. They're some of the most arousing things to happen to me. I love waking up in a cold sweat, humping a pil... Read full Story
First time sex, wearing a dress
An older boy asked me to get naked with him and he laid on top of me and started rubbing his body against mine. I had my first orgasm with another person. We did this once or twice a week and every time I climaxed, he did not. He asked me to wear one of my sisters dresses and suck him. I really d... Read full Story
Tranny whore Samara Rosetti at a Trucker's jo
Last night I got a call from a client. He told me to meet him at a small bar close to Olga Street in Stuttgart. He ordered me to dress as follows: Short black leather mini skirt slit up the side, button down red silk blouse unbuttoned 3 buttons, 16cm spiked heels boots, fishnet body stocking, no br... Read full Story
Gloryhole slut last night
Well I was a horny slut last night and went to this little arcade in the city last night. Fully slutted out and in a new pair of silky nude hose I was hoping not to be disappointed....I was not! I payed my fee and went into the back to the booths where there were a massive amounts of guys in the ... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 3
I felt his stiff cock at my asshole. I shuffled my legs a little further apart, partly to prevent him ramming it into me and it hurting, and partly bacause I just wanted him to fuck me! "you fuckin dirty slut" he whispered...he'd noticed my little subtle movement " you want my cock... Read full Story
Becomming a Sissy Slut
Sandy's Life My name is Sandy Johnson. I chose that name 35 years ago because I like Sandy and I knew a hot female with the last name Johnson. I first remember finding my mothers underclothes in the bathroom closet. We she and my Dad would go out I could go in the bathroom and put her slip on and f... Read full Story
Wish cum true
My wife and I have had a strong and open relationship from the start. We have accepted each other and all our wild passions, and we have always been open about our sexual desires. Having said this I will try to express what happened the other night with the same intensity I experienced. I came ho... Read full Story
Unique Misadventure
I always felt I was one to walk in a path of two worlds. both parallel and at at times, they cross and go there seperate ways within me. it can be stronger then others, but in all cases.... I always felt feminine by nature, lacking a dominate soul I suppose. it felt more natural, and in luck or fate... Read full Story
Caught in the Act....
One summer, my cousin Nancy came to stay with us for a while, as her parents had gone away on a cruise trip. At 18 years old, she was a couple of years older than me and in the full bloom of her young womanhood, so to speak. She knew it, too, and it was obvious that she had no problem at all in pull... Read full Story
Nancy finds out...
However, Nancy’s stay with us that summer was going to prove even more eventful than ever I could have imagined. Even after having been caught wearing her things by the neighbour’s son, Lesley, which led to a whole new dimension in our friendship, as you’ll know if you’ve rea... Read full Story
Helping a friend
Anna has been working in my office for a year now. I have never heard her talk about a boy or girl firend. Anna is 5'7'', long legs, light brown hair almost to her waist, very pretty. I have always talked to her, had lunch, but she had never opened up until she needed some help..... Anna had boug... Read full Story
The Adventurous Couple
"Whose ass is this?" Nancy screamed at me as she had me bent over the edge of the bed and fucking me in the ass with her 8" strap-on dildo. "It's your ass Mistress; it has always been your ass!" I replied through gritted teeth. Earlier that evening, my loving wife, cam... Read full Story
Bagging a Bitch with Balls
Watching porn has given me a lot of ideas concerning what to do in bed--and elsewhere. Some of the guys and sluts in X-rated videos do it outdoors--in the woods, a park, poolside, or in a parked car. Some chicks flash their dicks--yeah, I watch shemale movies sometimes, too--in public places, and so... Read full Story
The Installment Plan
“I never heard of anyone buying a Versace gown on layaway,” Karen, the fresh-faced young blonde said, admiring the designer dress on which her customer had just made another payment. Shaped to flatter, the gown was a gorgeous peau de soie satin. Its boned bustier created an incredible... Read full Story
Stage Act
Jaqi and Anna had rehearsed their routine to the point where it was spontaneously erotic, to man or woman. Her police baton twirling and her long legs strutting in thigh-high leather, Jaqi would stride amid the crowd at the Sirocco Club and zero in on Anna, sitting amongst the audience in a long ... Read full Story
Being Barbi's Bitch
After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of ... Read full Story
The Invitation Part 4
The light was gently filtering in through the curtains as Jack slowly drifted towards consciousness. For a moment or two of his half awake and half asleep state he was confused - something didn't quite feel right. He stirred in semi consciousness and his eyes shot open at the unfamiliar sensatio... Read full Story
Starcrossed Sleepover
I never was one to push my sexuality upon others... I have always felt.... unrequired in that area. so much so, that I lack the ability to be discrimitive to people, regardless of there beliefs... there origin... there sexuality... or even there religious or politcal views... in the end. I felt we a... Read full Story
Caught again
So I’m finding it hard to get privacy to dress up of late. So I decide to go down the country and rent out a holiday home for a weekend. I brought all my gear including make-up,and wig. When i arrived at the holiday park I entered the reception area. Behind the counter was a pretty women named... Read full Story
Masquerade invitation
Warning: This story is not greatly sexual in nature. you been warned As I walked gracefully up the steps towards the grand manor. I looked at katherine a moment. she smiled walking along side me. The nervousness swelled as we came closer and closer to the mansion. I felt butterflys pulling ka... Read full Story
Come to the party
It was Saturday and all the other bois had plans. I was alone in our rental home. I decided to dress up and go out. I put on panties, a bra and cami. All matching black. I put on eye liner, shadow and mascara, lightly. Lip liner and lipstick. I was going to wear jeans so I kept the makeup barely not... Read full Story
Painted Toes in Private Gym Showers
I'm soo thankful to have feminine feet and legs. My cock is around 6 and a half inches and I have a cute boi-pussy that is tight, but can take a sizeable dick. I would also like to point out that I have enemas on a regular basis so my butt is pretty clean. That part is true and the only part of this... Read full Story
Trio Lust
My girlfriend at the time Cheryl and I had been on a two week vacation and were traveling through a mid-western state,it was early afternoon and we needed to refill our gas so we pulled into a large travel plaza just off the interstate.As I headed in to pay for the gas I spotted a pretty petite girl... Read full Story
Caught cross dressed Part 1
My name is Philip. I am married to a beautiful woman called Helen, and a few days ago... I did something very stupid! My wife, her mother, her beautician, my P.A. from work, and any of their friends, (in fact, anyone that they choose,) are now completely in control of my life. They are my Mistres... Read full Story
Helping a Friend Part 2
I had seen Anna at work for the past two weeks…not a word of what happened at her house, when I fixed her sink. What a great night that was……………the night I found out she was a shemale! I fantasized about Anna all the time, yet nothing from her. It was our s... Read full Story
Matthew’s Return Part 2
I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers... Read full Story
My First Tranny
I met Charkara (her real name) through an adult dating site. You can find her pictures on my xhamster page titled, "My First Tranny". We corresponded through the dating site quite regularly before we decided to take it to next level and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. We ... Read full Story
Turned into a Toy
I clicked the lock shut on the locker containing all my clothes and looked down at my now naked body. I was in very good shape for a fifty year old. I'd always been thin and now I was shaved from the ears down and all six feet of me looked smooth and toned. My cock was a bit tumescent, larger than a... Read full Story
Summer whoring Part 2
She kissed me with a deep wet kiss. She touched my tits through my dress and pinched on my nipples. Then she slid her finger between my already wet pussy lips. I was trembling from excitement. She asked me if I want to continue this at her place and I agreed. She took me by my hand and led me to ... Read full Story
A virgin to the love of an Angel
You never expected a first time charmer to spoil you on a first date and hadn’t a clue what the rest of the night would bring. One thing was for sure, the tension and adrenaline that we both build up dancing in the Supperclub had to be re-leaved. Earlier that day I had secretly arranged for th... Read full Story
First Cock Came From Old Friend
It was Saturday and I had nothing to do so I decided to go for a drive. I got into my car and headed out of the city in no particular direction. After driving for a while I realized I was close to Jim's house. We have been great friends for years but have not seen each other for a long time. I decid... Read full Story
I am a Shemales' Bottom Slut
I don't want the title to deceive you I am a masculine man and straight mostly but I do love servicing cocks of androgynous women and there is a group of androgynous women in the vicinity of where I live and they call on me regular. It all started when I had my name and number on a singles p... Read full Story
I am a Shemales' Bottom Slut Part 2
I have been with Nancy and I have moved in and quit my job and I run around her house naked 24/7 so she can take me whenever she wants and I love her cock. She has taken pics of me naked with her cum inside my ass and posted them on the web. Nancy said," We are going to have a party to... Read full Story
OK, here's how my recent visit with Courtney went. I wanted to see her around 3:00, so I called to ask if her afternoon was open. She said I could come over, and asked me if I was only interested in oral. I was a little surprised she asked that over the phone, but I said "No, I want anal too... Read full Story
Additional Thoughts on Sodomy
Although, in the world (or worlds?) of pornography and erotica, it is politically incorrect, perhaps, to suggest that the body, whether male or female, is not built for anal intercourse, the fact is that anyone who has participated in this act (especially on the receiving end) or who has enjoyed wat... Read full Story
My first Bareback
Ron and I had been talking online for a few weeks now. We wanted to be comfortable, and make our intentions clear with one another. He was going to give me my first bare back sex, so i wanted to make sure it would be okay. We finally decided to meet last weekend. Through the course of our conversati... Read full Story
Working Away From Home
Im an engineer by trade and my job sometimes takes me to different parts of the country, customers want me to design a specific peice of machinery for them. I had an appointment with a firm just on the outskirts of Manchester, my company had booked me into a nice hotel for 3 nights whilst i was u... Read full Story
Crossdressing Fun
The meeting had been arranged for Friday morning, this would be the first time anyone had seen me dressed. I felt nervous and excited at the same time, I planned to wear a pair of nude sheer tight, black satin thong, black high heels and a shimmering silver, figure hugging, long dress with a split u... Read full Story
Caught cross dressed Part 2
"As Pippa is now completely unable to move her head... I think that we should begin with her eyebrows." Alice told the others. The others each nodded their consent, and Alice began her work on me. My already thinned eyebrows were plucked pencil thin, and were shaped into a high arch ove... Read full Story
My shemale mother!
I am 35 years old and had always been living with my mother, who is almost 50 since my father left us 20 years ago. I am not sure of the reasons but I do know that my mother is an average looking woman with nice looks and a not so fantastic body. Her pear shaped figure is a norm for any woman with I... Read full Story
Sight Unseen
"People do not see that at which they look." Professor Emile had just projected a series of ten young female nudes upon the screen. Asking us to study them carefully, he'd left each enlarged photograph on display for three minutes, treating us, for half an hour, to these magnificent ima... Read full Story
Adult Porn Shops
Around my senior year in high school I became more enamored with sex as all teenagers do. I loved lesbian sex and was addicted to shemale's as well. Nothing turned me on about gay sex. I was only curious about being with a shemale. So being underage the only porn you can get is via internet or throu... Read full Story
All Night Forced Sex Part 2
When I woke up I was in a darkened room and a woman was standing in front of me she was the most stunningly beautiful woman I'd ever seen before in my life. She's statuesque, about 30ish, with long red hair almost down to her perfectly shaped ass. She's wearing all black - a vest that pushes her bea... Read full Story