Free Stories

Our first night!
Tonight is our wedding night! It is the night when all my dreams should come true! Sativa and I had never had sex until this day. Many times I’ve tried to do sex, but she always said I needed to wait. I said OK coz I loved my sweetheart! Moreover, when I kept attempting to persuade her, she wo... Read full Story
In the bus
Everything can happen in a bus, you are going to read something that happened in real life and it’s for you to choose whether you believe it or not. I was looking forward to meeting her in the bus. I’d changed my working schedule since the first time I saw her. I did everything just t... Read full Story
Becoming the girl i really am part 2!
I smiled up at my best friend, dressed up in sexy lingerie and smiled, "Can i dress up too?" i asked in a hopeful tone of voice. "Oh, wow, really? Yea sure!" brian answered with excitement in his voice. "Go into the guest room, my sister keeps all her clothes in the dresser ... Read full Story
He caught me in his wife's cloths
I do odd job's and I was about to do one for my wife's best friend Tina and her Husband Phillip. I went over and looked at the job. I told her it would take several days and that I could do the work while her and her husband were at work. That way I wouldn't be in anyones way. Well the first day of ... Read full Story
My Girl Friend and A Shemale
I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, w... Read full Story
The Slut on the Balcony
A night away from home on business always meant a night of crossdressing and exhibitionism. I loved to get a room with a balcony so I could easily be seen by men walking around the motel grounds. This night I'd dolled in in a black lace corset; heels, hose, and g-string. I slipped on a leopard print... Read full Story
My first shemale encounter
I remember the first time I found myself in bed with a shemale. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was lonely, I was horny, and I had zero intention of finding myself in another relationship with a woman. When I told my buddy, Bob, he told me he knew just where to take me to solve this. So ... Read full Story
Two girl adventure
It was a dark night as I strolled into the main street bar. I was 21, had been having hard luck with the ladies, and was looking to drown my sorrows in a couple brews. That's when I saw her. She was simply a knockout. She was about 5'8", blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smoking body. She was weari... Read full Story
I had gotten dolled up nice and slutty looking in my motel room, and had been internet chatting for a couple of hours, so I was feeling very sexy. All dressed up and nowhere to go in a small southern town. I peeked out my window and could see that the place looked pretty dead. No lights were on in t... Read full Story
First time tale
I am confused sexually. I'm straight but curious I know I want to be with a real woman I always go out with a real girl and sometimes I get a date but most of the time I get played out. For about a year I have had this fetish for transsexuals I don't know why but I started looking at pics online ... Read full Story
Porn shop slut
I walked into the booth excited to use my new toy, while dressed in garters and sexy panties under my loose fitting jeans. I had just purchased a lovely new butt plug and could not wait to try it out on my pretend pussy. Taking my jeans down I deposited a token into the slot and got out my lube and... Read full Story
A Trip to the Beach
I had known Stacy for about three years, but I had never known about her little secret. That day when it was revealed changed everything for me, and for Stacy too. We were the greatest of friends, spending almost all our time together. We had come as close to each other as lovers but as two women, n... Read full Story
I want you used!
I'd been Will's little CD slut every time that I'd overnighted in his city for about a year. That was one night every other week. He was always very good to me, bringing wine to my room and spoiling me with his gentleness as he had his way with me. He loved to have me lie still while he teased me al... Read full Story
Caught in the act
After my first encounter with John’s dick, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Two weeks later we met at a friend’s party and we talked about it. He was worried his girl friend might find out. I told him he had noting to worry about as I had as much to lose as he had. But I also said... Read full Story
Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream
Finally, I had everything I needed to dress up for a little fantasy today. Ever since I was a little boy, I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extremely handsome and sexy. At 6 feet 3 inches, Steven is exactly what is described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular. Tonight, I would finally h... Read full Story
My Girlfriend's Friend Shayla
I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, w... Read full Story
The Convoy
Several years back I was driving down I-95 south through South Carolina. I was dressed in fishnet thigh highs; platform heels, g-string, bra, all black. Over it was a black zip up the front mini dress. I had a hand held CB radio so that I could hear truckers talk about me as I passed them, and I'd b... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 1
Today we're publishing the first part of another lovely story written by our reputable forum member Ila. I believe You'll love it too and reading it will surely make you horny! Come back soon for the continuation of the story. ;) Gina stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 2
Michael led the way out to the car. The front of his pants was bulging visibly; in anticipation of what was to come. Right behind was Gina who was caressing Michael’s tight ass, with one hand. Outside Michael put one arm around Gina’s tiny waist and the other around Rachael’s equal... Read full Story
The Balcony
Story written by ila. I maneuvered my car through the heavy traffic of west London. I was on my way to see Keliana, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world. Work had kept Keliana and I away from each other for the last two weeks. Longing to see my darling lent urgency to my ... Read full Story
A succulent shemale cock in my mouth
Not only the readers of our ladyboy blog love jerking off to our shemale sex stories, some of them are also willing to share. A guy named Steve was always curious about how a shemale cock would taste in his mouth and he just had to let it all out. TFS, Steve. I have always wanted to know what it ... Read full Story
Sleazy shemale fantasies
Sifting through the comments that readers leave at Trans Ladyboy, i have found two really hot shemale fantasies that I would like to devote separate space to. They are both written by two horny guys, wyocock and Eddie, who dream about being with shemales all days long (the only difference is that E... Read full Story
Two ladyboys blow their seaman
Yargh! Today, my horny readers, i want to tell you a sex story about a rough sailor that accidentally got turned into a shecock lover by two sexy Filipina ladyboys. All this time he thought he was screwing two beautiful GGs when he suddenly felt something stretching his virgin anus. Enjoy this love... Read full Story
I think of myself as resolutely straight. I look at a lot of porn although I have plenty of girls to fuck. Steven, an old college buddy, dropped by and proposed that we go to a shemale bar that night. I was shocked and refused. But Steven retorted that if I was sure about my sexuality, I should have... Read full Story
Thank you for Paradise
This hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i'm anxious to share it here with everybody. It's a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere... Little did he know that this young voluptu... Read full Story
Chatroom trick
I couldn’t believe I was doing this, as I stood by her front door I struggle to find breath on a surprisingly clear day. It had started some months ago, and internet chatroom, boy those things can be dangerous. I had spoke to Mary almost every night, soon chats turned to sex then to fantasies.... Read full Story
Office Fun
He had worked in the office for just over 6 months, and couldn’t stand the job. It was tedious data analysis type work which bored the hell out of him, and he had to do it eight hours a day, five days a week. The only thing that got him through his long days was Marcia. Marcia was a stunning w... Read full Story
Jane from Guess Bar
Again an awesome reader submitted story. One of our lucky readers says he had a great fuck with Ladyboy Jane. Was in BKK in Oct 07 looking for love in all the wrong places. In particular one sexy cum kitten called Jane from Guess bar, Sukhumvit soi 1. When i arrived i found a complex of beer bars... Read full Story
My shemale bride
I've been dating a beautiful girl for about a year, her name's Sasha, she's got long dark hair, beautiful blue eyes, slim very sexy body, perfect, my little angel, and we get on great, so much so we decide to marry, only one problem, she won't let me in her knickers, but this make me respect her eve... Read full Story
My first pre-op story
I started becoming interested in transsexuals a couple years ago, when I ran across some websites where I found some crossdressers attractive. I was 19 at the time. This led me to picking up Transformation magazine, a magazine more for the TG community, but they featured some really got centerfolds ... Read full Story
One of my real life stories with a post-op
This wonderful story was published at our forum, and, honestly, it was the first sex story involving post-op tgirls that I read, and I can't hide the fact that, although the girl had no hard one, it was still very exciting! Thanks for publishing it man! I was on vacation in Japan, and I went out ... Read full Story
Once a Slut Always a Slut
I held my breath – and then I knew I had crossed a line – I had become by my submission, in that instant of time, another individual. I had known Paul Phillips since I had arrived at the local school in the village some 6 years before. We had moved on together to the grammar school in... Read full Story
The first and most memorable of many
A few months ago I began to realizing that I was beginning to fantasize about having a woman with a cock. It took a few weeks of looking on the internet to find a passable Tgurl to be my first. I really had no Idea what to expect. But I know now that I could not have been luckier than I was that ... Read full Story
Kits Adventures in the North
**Crossdress Story** It had been about six months since I'd had any chance to dress, any chance to feel sexy and been even longer since I had any kind of sexual contact. Work tends to do that; gets in the way and screws about with "me" time. Luckily, though, it was only a temporary job... Read full Story
I've dumped my boyfriend. Now he wants cock..
Me and Marc had been going out for 7 months. He's nothing that special to the eyes but he has a way with words. He could put a simple sentenced together and get any girl, any age, with any genitals? I thought it was only a rumor going around that he was Bi-sexual so i ignored it completely because ... Read full Story
Big Booty Black Boy Gets cheated on
I have been secretly bi throughout my life. But nobody has known. I have had several girlfriends and all. One physical trait that I developed at the age of 18 was a big booty. It grew so much that I couldn't hide it much. One time I went to the gym with tight clothes and my curves were obvious. A lo... Read full Story
New Leather
I have a super-sexy new coat! It’s black leather, has lacings and D-rings as detail all over it, a high collar, straps to close it in front, and a red lining. It’s very . . . well, it’s like something out of a vampire movie, so maybe it’s a bit much for everyday wear, but I t... Read full Story
TV loving cock
Sorry I didn't keep you posted on Saturday night, but I was sorta busy being my usual slutty self. Story to follow: I talked to a guy on megaphone. He works as a night security guard at a big office building on the edge of town. He is there all by himself in this huge, mostly vacant building, in ... Read full Story
My Hottest Shemale Tube Excursion With The Mechanic
My Hottest Shemale Tube Excursion With The Mechanic. As I was driving my car, I could see that my oil change light appeared. As a shemale, I do not like walking and I would never chance my car breaking down. It was time for me to take my automobile to the mechanic. As I pull into the driveway, I ... Read full Story
My You Shemale Tube Porn Videos Star
My You Shemale Tube Porn Videos Star I was the owner of the strip club and I needed something that will bring me more customers and more money.I hired a new stripper and she had some really good ideas. She said;"If you want, I can do you shemale tube porn videos that will be playing all arou... Read full Story
Making Shemale Vanity Tube Your Homepage Is A Great Idea!
It all started as a joke. My roommates at the time pulled a prank on me and made Shemale Vanity Tube my homepage. You see, I was about to hook up with this chick one night so they sneaked inside my room before we got there and made that change. Once I turned on my screen in search for some sexy musi... Read full Story
Kinky Alexander And Our Hot Young Shemale Tube Movie!
Being different is not easy, and it can certainly be a rough ride. But I found my passion and I started making young shemale tube movies. It all started at a bar one night! I didn't want to get attached or have a serious relationship. I was alone and I haven't had sex in a long time, I was aching fo... Read full Story
The Hottest Shag With Naughty Sheena!
I was home one night, feeling kind of down and lonely and that is why I started browsing the dating sites. I wasn't really serious about it, I just needed something to occupy my mind. I came across of free shemale chat and thought to myself that it might be fun. I started chatting with a really stun... Read full Story
Sex Ed Chapter One
My husband and I had quite an open marriage. We were both fairly sexually adventurous and this was reflected in how we both considered it to be ok for us to be going out and sleeping around, provided we were completely honest about it and came home and told the other one all about it. In fact, after... Read full Story
Sex Ed Chapter Two
Over another drink, I learnt how David Lawrence had been dressing up as a girl since he was a teenager, always keeping it secret from his family and what few friends he'd had. He was shy around women and sex and had never had a girlfriend, instead he'd buried himself in his studies and dressing as a... Read full Story
Silver and Gold
Collaborated with: TangoKilo421 (Thanks for all your help, dood. ) A/N: It took several months, but it's finally finished. Be sure to tell me what you think. Naruto whistled cheerfully as he walked through the village of Konoha. Things had certainly changed quite a bit ever since Pein’s ... Read full Story
Sally another adventure
After the excitement of the past few weeks Sally was planning on a quiet few days with Sue. Trying to live a sensible life as Sam and trying to get his life sorted out. He returned home and took Sue out for dinner and a show and they started to talk about things for the first time in a few days. Whe... Read full Story
My Erotic She Male Pics Photo Shoot
You know that time when you feel so horny and you want to nail every guy that passes right next to you? Well, I was dealing with that! My body was just burning for some hot, sexy guy that will grab me like no one did before, place me against the wall and fuck so hard that I start screaming out of jo... Read full Story
Virginia’s Luxurious Evening
West Palm Beach didn’t have many cold snaps, but when one did rake the city the weather seemed twice as frigid as it actually was. Virginia Stanton sat alone in her office on the third floor of Prism Design’s building overlooking the Intra-coastal Waterway. She had been chilly all day, m... Read full Story
The lover of Lisa
It wasn’t that hard making the change from friend to lover, and from lover to student of sensuality. Lisa made clear that I was to follow her directions, not that our relationship was predicated on that, but that she was going to lead me to a new place in my life. She had been a friend for mo... Read full Story
Butt Sluts
My name is Jimmy James. When I started high school, my parents shipped me out to boarding school to teach me discipline. They were mad because I had always been a disappointment to them. I wasn’t terribly manly and I liked to dress in girls clothes. The more often they caught me dressed like a... Read full Story
How I Became a Girl
My name is now Stephanie, once it was Stephen. I would like to relate how I was turned into a girl (really a transvestite slave) by the beautiful young lady who has become my mistress. I have always felt that I should have been born a female. I definitely have female traits. I have a very feminine... Read full Story
Halloween Disguise
an original story by me. its not true more of a fantasy... this story starts october 14th. first of all i am a 23 year old boy, i just moved to a different state to go to college, i dont have many friends and have only been her a couple of months. today was like any other day, had to wake up e... Read full Story
Jan dresses Sherrie for a good time
I saw the room number 216, I took a deep breath and then knocked. The door opened and I recognized her from the email photo’s her name was Jan she is about 5’ 7”, brown hair in her 40’s a little over weight with some cute plus sized bumps lightly sagging C cups. She was weari... Read full Story
Dick girl lust
I was born in 1982, I was born a girl, but I had something wrong with me when I was in my mother's womb so the doctor's said when I reached the age of twelve I would have to have an operation. I had the operation with machines to me. But somehow during that time, while in theatre, something out of t... Read full Story
Who actually likes English class?
I was sitting in yet another boring as hell English class. Seriously, why do I need to read Chaucer? Is that necessary for anything I will do in my life? As much as I try to convince myself the answer to those questions are yes, I still can't get interested in what he talked about in 1400 a.d. Ho... Read full Story