Free Stories

They Called Him "Anna."
Growing up, I had only a mother and sister who wore dresses every day back in the 50s and early 60s. I wore my sister's clothes every day and her pajamas to bed. I never wanted to wear pants because I wanted to be a girl just like my sister. One time I heard my mother tell her friend that she though... Read full Story
Early Yearnings
My name is Denise and this is a short account of my first discovery of the feminine side of my nature and my early yearnings to be a girl. Since the age of eleven, I have always been aware of a desire to be a girl, preferring to play with them rather than with the other boys. Not that I didn’t play... Read full Story
:Like A Good Girl Should.
Now that I'm older I have come to realize that I'm more Bi-sexual than straight. Even though I'm a married man and have adored women all my life, I still have found myself thinking back to when I was seduced in my young teens by a much older man. Now, with the internet I can look at all kinds ... Read full Story
Sweet Trans-Action!
I wasn't wearing panties, and under my short cotton skirt I could feel the breeze stirring my little penis. It was a warm, slightly humid, summer day, and I wore sandals and a pink t-shirt that was too small for me; my nails were painted to match. I was slender, blue eyed, and blonde. My mom led ... Read full Story
Intimate Beginnings.
It all began when I was about eight years old. I used to play with my half-cousin, Jim, who lived nearby and was a year older than me. One day we went to a small area at the end of my street that had a high wall along one side and long grass on the other. So it was quite secluded. It was there I... Read full Story