Free Stories

Training of stacy
Before reading this story please be aware that that some people would label this work as obscene and pornographic in nature. It contains several themes including transgendered, homosexual and lesbian issues in addition to graphic sexual descriptions. To make the action flow more freely and the st... Read full Story
Office Fun - Part 2
Marcia was sitting in the car park of the office, about to leave having just finished work, when she saw Lee walk out of the building and head towards his car. It had been four days since they had fucked in the office, and she was eager for a second round. She checked herself in the rear view mirror... Read full Story
Me And Two Shemale Lovers
The ad in the local “underground” paper said “2 hot she-male lovers looking for inexperienced open-minded male for exciting new encounters….” It added a few brief descriptions etc. I thought to myself. “Why not, you’re open-minded and adventurous?” So... Read full Story
Will You Keep My Secret?
Everyone has secrets, but my is a very special one that I had kept to my self till my best friend Erica found out when I was 18. My name is Nicole. Me and Erica had been the bestest of friends since freshman year. And since then we tell each other everything, go to the mall together, eat together,... Read full Story
My Apartment
I live in an apartment in Buckhead on the 14th floor of a high rise. A large two bedroom that faces the city of Atlanta. I had been a large mall in the city yesterday and once again was looking at the magazines in a large store on Peachtree Street. One of the sales clerks and I were talking about... Read full Story
A Couple And A Shemale Encounter
Not long ago I was sitting home alone on a Friday night with nothing much to do and feeling horny so I decided to go out. I showered, misted myself with my favorite perfume, put on a sexy black bra, rolled on a silky new pair of jet black sheer to waist pantyhose, slipped into a tight, very short, l... Read full Story
Charisma Part 3
The corset was every bit as beautiful as the brassiere. Tiffany couldn’t wait to try it on. It was, Charisma told her, “an 1880 corset in white jacquard and white lace trim; it laces up the back.” The top of the corset rose above Tiffany’s breasts, the front covered her abdom... Read full Story
Susan's First Time
Stan/Susan wondered how he/she could have gotten herself into this particular fix. This week Stan was at Sue's posh apartment so was living as a woman. The large good-looking gentleman kneeling between her spread legs was very firm about what he wanted her to do. "After you suck my cock I'm ... Read full Story
Jillian & Tessa
Jillian had been great friends with Tessa. They were inseparable and probably best friends. If Tessa didn't already have an apartment across town, they would have been roommates. But since they regularly stayed overnight at each other's place, it was like they already were. Jillian was petite, with ... Read full Story
A viera ritual
“In honor of you becoming an adult. I thought I would let you go through a viera ritual that we do when one of us becomes an adult,” Fran says standing in front of Penelo. “Really, I’ve always wondered about the viera after we stay in your village those couple of nights&rd... Read full Story
Bethany's Secret Part 2
-3- Before beginning my story about what happened to me the week before Christmas, I should explain what had happened during the past few months. Early in my senior year of high school, I had met a gorgeous girl named Bethany who became my girlfriend. On the day of our four month anniversary, we ... Read full Story
The Hotel
The hotel room door clunked shut as we stood there embracing each other. The trip to the south coast had taken around three hours and I had plenty of opportunities to look across at Rachel's legs as I drove. Perhaps I should rephrase that - I had three very long hours of torment as I had just wanted... Read full Story
It was hard times for Dre. His business had failed and he had fallen into bankruptcy. His wife left him after he was caught cheating with another male... a male dressed up as a woman. He was financially in the dumps and had to go move in with his little brother Ray. Ray had recently moved o... Read full Story
Surprising Weekend
I wanted to do something a lil different for John. He mentioned once during our early chats a fantasy he would like to try. He hadn't mentioned it since we've been intimately together but I thought I'd do it for him as a surprise hoping he'd love it. The first part was easy, John had given me a cred... Read full Story
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 6
Paula fell back against the couch and closed her eyes. What a marvelous experience it had been! She absolutely loved to suck cock! She loved everything about it. She loved the taste of cum too. She couldn't wait to do it again. She could feel the dried sperm caught in her hair and knew there was ... Read full Story
Becoming Marie Chapter 3
On one of my bike rides and visits to the Transporter Bridge cottage I met a guy who told me of a cruising spot not far from there. He told me the place was much safer than cottaging, gave me directions to it and said it was always busy. The following weekend I set off on my bike wearing a loose ... Read full Story
Becoming Marie Chapter 4
During the following week I had gotten hornier and hornier thinking of the wekend visit to the air raid shelter. I popped into town during the week to get some make up and some clothes to wear for the following Sunday. This was going to be a bit awkward, but egged on by my urges i set off shopping. ... Read full Story
A New Dawn Chapter 3
Tom and Dawn had been inseparable since their first fantastic night together, barely being able to keep their hands off each other. This was difficult at work, where they had decided to keep their relationship a secret. The management frowned upon office romances. This was especially difficult for T... Read full Story
Fill'er Up
It had been nearly a year since it had all started. The emails back and forth, late night text messages, and the pictures…Ohhhh, the pictures. It had taken me nearly 2 months to get her to send me one. Well, one like I wanted. I remember the very first one she had sent. She was gorgeous. Blac... Read full Story
Becoming Roberta
Years ago, I went out with a girl who was very kinky. I can't use her real name, because she is married now, but I will call her Christine. I liked a lot of the kinky stuff we did, especially being dominated and humiliated. She always wanted to see me have sex with another man, but I was very hesita... Read full Story
The Trip Part 2
I awoke suddenly feeling dazed and with my head pounding. "Kara, okay?" asked Chris Chris roused from his slumber and reached for me. I was sitting up, breathing hard. "It was nothing. Just a dream, I guess."

 "Okay. If you say so." He rolled ove... Read full Story
Wifes friend
Johanna had invited a friend to stay over the weekend. Her friends name was Lorenzia. She was from Chile and had a natural tan skin. She was a fitness geek and was extremely fit. She had thick black hair that she keept in a thick ponytail down her back. She had a wonderful ass and a c-cup sized brea... Read full Story
Fender Bender Chapter 3
Susan called me early Monday Morning and asked if I wanted to come over and lay out by the pool with her, she told me that Mark had a business meeting and would be gone most of the day so it would be just us girls. I remembered what happened on Saturday when we were laying by the pool and of course ... Read full Story
Dear Karen Chapter 6
07.13.09 Dear Karen, Well, I have had quite a surprise. I came home at lunchtime recently and found BJ had a visitor. I walked into the bedroom and there was BJ and Frank. BJ was only wearing a bra and panties along with stockings held up by a garter belt. He was on his knees beside the bed an... Read full Story
Boys will be Girls
Jack sat at the bar, his eyes moving about the dimly lit room as he sized up the possibilities. He was relatively new to town and had yet to draw a circle of friends around him. He was the sort of fellow that typically drew others toward him. He was handsome, athletic and wealthy, but it was his fri... Read full Story
It was cold. I was running fast so that I could not get too wet by the falling rain. The streets were quiet, because everyone was inside. It was twenty minutes before midnight. I was nervous. It would be my first time I'd have sex with anyone other than a woman. I love women. I'm in love with them. ... Read full Story
When Rene Calls Chapter 3
In less than another 10 minutes I felt the car beginning to slow down and we made a number of sharp turns. Finally the Rolls came to a stop and I could detect the sound of a large gate opening automatically. The Rolls once again began to move but much slower this time. We slowed down once again I ... Read full Story
I Can't Control It
Woke up, laying on my left side, to the sound of Marissa making quiet whimpering noises. I knew it was her because she had an unmistakable “little girl” voice that she moaned with while we had sex. Or while she masturbated. Just whenever she had pleasure.. down there... My back was to ... Read full Story
A very, long, long time ago in Asia The villagers heard them coming from far off, but there was nothing to be done and no where to go. They were boxed into a small valley with all their crops terraced along three hillsides. There was only one way in and one way out. Everyone stopped what they wer... Read full Story
Jobsite surprise
The other afternoon I went to deliver an estimate for a large gardening job I had been working on. When I arrived at the house I rang the bell and waited. There were two cars in the driveway but no answer at the door, so I walked around the back to the pool. As I came around the corner to the large ... Read full Story
First Time Drag
My computer crashed.... again! This time it was worse though, I couldn't reboot, the damn thing wouldn't even restart. I occasionally work out of my home where a working computer is mandatory. I decided to cool off a bit and walked to the local convenience store where I bought two bottles of a dry c... Read full Story
Kelly's second cock
It was a usual boring Saturday. I spent the afternoon watching tranny porn. Watching those sluts getting fucked and sucking cock got me really turned on. I knew that I had to join them, to have a man in my mouth. I was so fucking horny, I just knew that I was going to be a good little slut tonight. ... Read full Story
Fringe Benefits
Shawn showed his employee badge to the TSA agent and was waved through to the metal detector. He quickly slid off the lanyard placing it into small bin to take a ride down the conveyor belt. Once he was fully cleared, he collected his belongings and headed away from the security checkpoint to the Of... Read full Story
First Time, From A Window
You know, I remember the first time I saw you. You lived in my street - you'd only moved in a few months before. I sort of knew you were around, but I don't ever really recall seeing you or meeting you. For a quiet cul-de-sac, we had more than our fair share of single women living around, and we'... Read full Story
The first tranny I looked for
So i've had some tranny experience unwittingly. I respond to this ad on craigslist from this 19 year old tranny who lives fairly far away, but her picture was so sexy I decided to take the hour drive. So I drive to her parents house, nervous the whole way, when I get there I get out of the car. Ston... Read full Story
Hooked for one week in Vegas
Vegas: Night one. Went to Vegas to visit a friend who was a high end escourt... long story short, I wanted to try it, just to say I did it. She itroduced me to a young sexy guy who was at a convetntion for business... Young good looking guy, brought me to the very nice hotel room, was being nice... Read full Story
Threesome - Tara Strong and Mae Whitman
The Avatar panel had just finished. I went to go to the bathroom, when I ran into Mae Whitman, who plays Katara. We started talking and I mentioned how I had to leave early because I had no where to stay, and she kindly offered to let me stay at her place. Later that evening, we met up outside of... Read full Story
Five Into Three Does Not Go
Kristina It is waspish in the late evening out in the open in Portsmouth Harbour as we step out of the vehicle and walk over to the private section of the docks, the sign says Ceres St docks. Dark has long since fallen but lights, white, yellow and orange light up the skies. The feeling is one of... Read full Story
FMDM Inc - Jerry's Story
"I just want him to get what he needs without destroying my family or our marriage," said Mrs. Farrett quietly. She was sitting in a corporate office speaking to Amber Giles, a woman half her age and twice her breast size. Approaching this mysterious FMDM, Inc. had been her last resort to ... Read full Story
The threesome not to forget
The Avatar panel had just finished. I went to go to the bathroom, when I ran into Mae Whitman, who plays Katara. We started talking and I mentioned how I had to leave early because I had no where to stay, and she kindly offered to let me stay at her place. Later that evening, we met up outside of... Read full Story
Hot Sex in a Blizzard
All flights had been canceled indefinitely because of the blizzard, so I checked in to a hotel close to the airport until the weather cleared. I showered, called my wife, and put on my standard traveling clothes: jeans and a sport coat. The restaurant in the hotel was supposed to be pretty good and ... Read full Story
My First Girly Cock
It was cold. I was running fast so that I could not get too wet by the falling rain. The streets were quiet, because everyone was inside. It was twenty minutes before midnight. I was nervous. It would be my first time I'd have sex with anyone other than a woman. I love women. I'm in love with them. ... Read full Story
Lucy change part 1
This is a story I wrote a few years ago, and completely forgot about. I'm thinking of continuing it if it gets any reaction. I was a virgin before I met my girlfriend, mostly because of my crippling shyness. She is the reason I overcame both problems, and I have never loved anyone or anythin... Read full Story
Business and Pleasure: Seduced CD Pt. 2
I breathed in his musky scent while I squeezed and pulled his ample ass cheeks. I could smell that uniquBusiness and Pleasure: Seduced CD Pt. 2e man scent coming from between his legsBusiness and Pleasure: Seduced CD Pt. 2,Business and Pleasure: Seduced CD Pt. 2 sweat, moisture, precum, cologne all ... Read full Story
My First Girly Cock
It was cold. I was running fast so that I could not get too wet by the falling rain. The streets were quiet, because everyone was inside. It was twenty minutes before midnight. I was nervous. It would be my first time I'd have sex with anyone other than a woman. I love women. I'm in love with them. ... Read full Story
Tipping Point -- Chapter 2: Bathroom Abuse
Chapter 2: Bathroom Abuse Nick crawls down the hall. An office of pricy furniture opens into a relaxed hallway. He expects to to see is several bedrooms. But to his surprise each of the doorways open to something different. A nearly empty room with a telescope set and a few chairs, a computer roo... Read full Story
My Tgirl lover
This is my first attempt at writing one off these stories so if you like it than please let me know and I'll look into writing another one also any feedback would be welcome My names Phil, I'm 28 and I currently live with my girlfriend with whom I've been dating for several years. U... Read full Story
When Fantasy Comes True 2
After my first threesome encounter with Jenni and her friend, getting a golden shower from three trans women was a bonus. Being drunk and now four of us snuggled in bed, i thought the night had ended but i did hope for more. I was not disappointed as Jenni's friend (Sasha) who had been sleeping d... Read full Story
Halloween Night Again
Last October my girlfriend Kelly and I were drinking wine and playing cribbage on a cold, rainy night. After dating her for six months we usually stayed in on weekends. I consider myself very lucky to be dating her. She is an incredibly beautiful brunette and has a perfect 36C-24-26 figure on her 5'... Read full Story
The Lonely Encounter
I'm sitting at the hotel bar, nursing my drink, lost in thought. Wife and I had a big argument, and she kicked me out of the house for the night. I was quite content to spend the evening getting drunk, and hardly noticed when you sat in the seat next to me. Your friendly greeting roused me from deep... Read full Story
Shemale sex on a beach
Had to tell you what happened to me recently. I wrote to one of my favourite shemales last week and was telling her I missed sucking and fucking with her due to the current virus situ. Wished I could travel to see her and have some fun and she told me she was away from home too. I asked her where an... Read full Story
Shemale sex on a beach
Had to tell you what happened to me recently. I wrote to one of my favourite shemales last week and was telling her I missed sucking and fucking with her due to the current virus situ. Wished I could travel to see her and have some fun and she told me she was away from home too. I asked her where an... Read full Story
Trip to Portimão
It is about a 3 hour drive depending on traffic to the Tivoli Marina Portimão in the Algarve from where I was staying at the Hotel Mundial. Oliva came to pick me up. She had one of those Toyota SUV things. I put my bag in the car and I noticed Olivia had rather a collection of luggage. I smiled to m... Read full Story
Seduced At The Gloryhole
I love to write Erotica. For story requests please send me a private message or email Enjoy! Golden blonde hair that rested just past her shoulder, piercing blue eyes, full luscious red lips with colorful sleeves of tatoo’d arms. Wow, she was immaculate. She locked ey... Read full Story
Hung Alessia Travestita meets MILF
Hung Alessia meets MILF with Giant Clit Several days ago, Alessia a beautiful English Transvestite met a tall slim sexy Canadian woman named Sandra on the internet. They were captivated with each other's nude bodies and genitals. They immediately engaged in a video sex session together. Sandra fu... Read full Story
How to Convince Your Wife to Try Black Cock
I didn't write this - but it's great info for all my sissy cuckold sisters out there desperate for their wives or girlfriends to go Black. I hope all your cuckold dreams come true! There are so many stories out there from white guys who admit that they want to see their wives and girlfriends,... Read full Story