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Angel Chapter 8

Slowly, Rocky let himself fall, clinging to Angel's arms and leaning to the side. He ended up on his back, with Angel sprawled on top of him and facing him, his shaft still hard and still imbedded in her pussy. For a long time, they lay like that, kissing and caressing each other and whispering about how great it had been.

His cock softened and slipped out of the hole where it had given and received so much pleasure. They didn't care. When they were ready, Angel would peel off and discard the latex protector, lick off his semen and suck Rocky's cock until it was hard. After that, she would either suck him off or apply another condom so they could fuck some more. They still had all that night to pleasure themselves and each other, and the next two days after that, and they intended to make the most of all that time.

After a week of working and the dancing and the great sex, Angel and Rocky were both a bit tired. In the spoon position that she likes, they slept briefly and, when she woke up, she was ready for more fucking. Neither of them had put on any clothing, feeling it would just get in the way, and she reached down and carefully removed the condom from his cock. It was not completely flaccid and, as she fingered it, it became less soft. Angel smiled at that but, before she did anything else, she went to the bathroom, flushed the condom down the toilet, and wiped most of the excess Aqualube off her pussy and legs.

When she returned, the first thing Angel did was to roll Rocky onto his back. He woke up and, knowing what was about to start happening, made no complaints. She knelt next to him, making sure that he would be able to see what she was doing and reach out and fondle her pussy or anything else he wanted. The Aqualube was near him so Rocky would be able to use it to prepare her when they were ready for more fucking. His cock was almost flaccid but, even before she took it into her mouth, it started to stir as Rocky looked at her sexy body with the knowledge of what was about to start happening.

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