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First intercourse with a man

I was standing now as we were talking and I could see where I was bent over, there was cum on the floor, cum all along the side of his desk from where my cock was flapping and dripping all over. I was pretty soft like if I just came. He started getting dressed, and I went back to the bathroom to get my clothes. I wiped away all the lube from between my legs and ass. I just put my panties on and pulled my pants on over my stockings and panties. Put my shirt on over my bra. I had come out of the bathroom and he was totally clothed and standing near the door.

I didn’t say a word, I’m freaking out in my head, thinking STDs, ugg. I walk over to him and open the door, and we exit the building. I have my arms crossed over my chest, as I'm a little chilly with the night air hitting me in the face. He locks the door and turns to me and we start to walk back to the cars. He puts his arm around my waist again, and I'm thinking, “Asshole”, could have asked me first if I wanted to do it without a condom. But it did feel nice with him holding me close like his girlfriend or something. I relaxed a little and maybe I relaxed a little too much, I felt wetness running down the inside of my legs. This is going to be weird, and with each step, I get wetter and wetter. His cum was leaking out of me, and my thong panties aren’t containing anything.

We get to the cars, and he leans in to kiss me, and I back up, but can’t back up any further cuz my back is to the car, and he just kisses me softly. I get in my car, and I drive away, with my ass wet, and recently fucked by a man for the first time in my life.

It certainly won’t be the last time.
I drove home thinking, I got to take a shower as soon as I walked through the door.
And maybe next time, I won't wear thong panties, this pair wasn’t cum friendly.

* I had fun writing this. All dressed up and slutty. Reminiscing on my first time with a man.
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