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Hot Sex in a Blizzard

I took her hand, it was soft and warm, and I said, "Jim."

We talked about the blizzard and the canceled flights and wondered why the hotel seemed so empty. She said, "Maybe everyone's in the restaurant. I was on my way there and decided I needed a drink, first."

"Me too," I said. "And I'm starved. Why don't we find a table?"

The restaurant was almost as deserted as the bar, so there were plenty of tables available and we were seated at one of our choice, a booth, rather than a table in the center of the room. The waiter handed me the wine list with the menus; I glanced at it and handed the wine list to Janine saying, "All I know about wine was that it is either red or white and comes in two flavors: sweet and sour."

Janine laughed in her throat and swatted my shoulder, saying, "You are a funny man." She studied the wine list and I watched her expression change from "no" to "maybe" to "no" again and finally a "yes" as she went down the list. Dinner was a very nice roast beef and we washed it down with a red wine that was partly sweet and partly sour. "Not bad," I announced after taking a first sip.

She ate with gusto, table manners be dammed. I remembered hearing that women who ate like that, were the same way in satisfying their sexual appetites: with gusto. We made small talk as we ate. Janine learned that I was twenty-six years old, married three years, and had my own little software company with nine employees. I learned that she was indeed an executive secretary to the top man of a Fortune 500 company. She was fifty-one years old and had never married.

"Are you happily married, Jim?"

"Yes," I answered honestly and added, "We have an open marriage which suits us both." I saw her eyes light up.

"I have heard that term, "open marriage" all my life and I'm not quite sure what it means," she said, looking into my eyes. It was a question.

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