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I am Baaack! Part 5

"What!?" Rose was shocked. This was something new.

"Robert was a Marine. Since he was, I am; once a Marine, always a Marine." Robbie saw the startled expression on Rose's face. "Do you find that shocking? You'd be surprised how many military personnel are transgendered. Anyway, Robert was stationed in Turkey and was given the job of driving his commanding officer, Major Daniels, and Adain Ben Hariesh when Mr. Ben Hariesh visited his base." She chuckled, and unconsciously slipped into first person. "I called him Mr. Ben Hariesh, and he told me to call him Adain, that Mr. Ben Hariesh was his father."

Rose smiled, remembering that Adain had said the very same thing to her when she had referred to him as Mr. Ben Hariesh on that long ago Friday.

"Of course, I didn't," continued Robbie. "In fact, as the driver, I took my orders from Major Daniels, and I really didn't have any conversation with him. But I sure could hear what the two of them were talking about. The Major was considering hiring one of Adain's firms to do some security work on the base. Normally, that kind of thing would have been handled by one of Adain's subordinates, but since he had been in the area, he had decided to come and talk with the Major himself. During the course of the conversation, Adain expressed his love for his people, and his love for America. He expressed his appreciation for all the help America had provided for his country, and his anger at the terrorists who were giving Islam and all Middle East people a bad name. As they talked, I remember thinking, 'Now, there is an honorable MAN! He'd make a damn fine Marine.' Now, you have to know that that is the finest compliment a Marine can pay a civilian. At the time, I had no idea that I would ever be wearing dresses and liking it, and I certainly didn't see any effeminacy on Adain's part." She paused, then continued. "Here's the bottom line. If Adain Ben Hariesh did not want to be a girl or look like a girl, and yet put himself through what he's been through for love of you and to do his part to get those Bitches, then what you've revealed must be true. That he's enjoying it now, makes me happy for him."

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