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Jo, Shemale Goddess! Part 1

He had secretly boasted that it took a real 'man' to fuck another man and said that he would never do anything as 'gay' as give another man a blowjob or let him breach his ass.

Norman was so macho he dismissed Jo as a possible threat. He couldn't imagine what 'two women with cocks', as he called Jo and Ricki, would do with each other in bed. Jo detested the man, thought he was an absolute bastard and honestly couldn't see what Ricki saw in him, except for the money. Norman had inherited his father's two luxury London hotels, but his mother's short stature. After nine years of a childless marriage, he had discovered that his sperm count was so low there was no possibility of him passing on the business to a child of his. He had immediately kicked his wife out of their six-bedroom house in Chiswick, explaining to their shocked friends that she was a 'barren cow' and a 'slag'. Three months later she had moved in with his best friend and they'd had a bouncing baby boy within eighteen months. Furious, Norman would have had them both eliminated, if there had been the possibility of anyone else being the prime suspect. But he had built a rather unsavoury reputation of being a bully—his would have been the first door the police knocked on. By pumping iron daily he had amassed a breadth equal to his height and though most people found his square, muscle-bound body ridiculous, very few dared to laugh at him, except behind his back.

Ricki was Norman's secret lover. In public he paraded a bevy of beauties on his arm that could rival Hugh Hefner. He slept with women, though he bragged of having a marked preference for anal sex. He liked to boast that he had taken several 'ass cherries'. He was a vulgar, unpleasant man whom even his close friends only tolerated because he had tons of money and could be ridiculously generous when the mood struck him.


The next morning as a bleary-eyed Jo grilled lean, rindless bacon and premium sausages, and scrambled organic eggs with a fat nub of butter, Ricki finally revealed everything.

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