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My life as a girl

Next I put her bra, skirt and blouse on. I stood and looked I the mirror turning to see every angle. I even lifted my skirt and turned so see what others would if the short skirt failed to conceal me. I was a girl in every way and no one would be able to tell.

I felt alive, sexy, and so complete as if my body and all my senses were in harmony. Released from the male bonds, not forced to feel a different way then I was meant to feel. God I was as sexy as my sister!

I thought about putting on make up but decided to avoid it thinking that if anyone came home I would be harder to change back into myself.

Everyday when everyone left the house I would go upstairs and change clothes and become Julie. I would dress in her sexy mini skirts or shorts. Putting on different outfit each day. All day long I was this sexy girl going about my chores.

That's all I could think about! Getting everyone out of the house and running upstairs to change clothes.

I even grew my hair long like hers. During the day I would wear it down and the illusion became more complete.

When I had to be myself I would pull it into a ponytail, which was more masculine, and the guys in the neighborhood thought I was kewl. Dad did not like my long hair but he tolerated it but not without his comments.

I started feeling confined in the house so I started taking walks around the block.

I even became bold enough to walk down to the shopping mall during the day dressed like her to pick up a few items. No one noticed, just accepting me as a woman. The guys would give me the same looks I knew they would give my sister and would even flirt with me.

At times I would go into clothing stores and try on girl clothes being helped by saleswomen with out being suspected.

Weekends and evenings I would dress like myself and hang out with my friends in the neighborhood.

My sister's life was in full swing, popular with the boys and envied by the girls because of her beauty.

When Julie became a cheerleader I was so excited for her.

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