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My Wonderful Secret Chapter 1

After about 30 minutes, the excitement and novelty started to wear off. There were only about a dozen people in the library, probably half male, half female. None of them seemed remotely interested in me. I did not stand out in the crowd. I was accepted as a girl! The sense of relief, joy, and well being that flooded through me was overwhelming. I felt so comfortable in my make up and clothes and my tits felt so good, so natural, like they were a part of me.

I began to relax. I even felt comfortable enough to actually study and to move about the library a little. No-one approached me and accused me of being a drag queen or a fag or anything. I had imagined that they would, but I realised now that I really was a convincing girl. Little old me, the tiny, geeky, awkward runt of his year was actually good at something. I wouldn't get in the faculty year book for my efforts, but I had at last found something I could excel in.

The time seemed to fly past and all too soon I heard the soft bell ringing indicating that it was closing time. I reluctantly gathered my books and headed out. The Librarian smiled and said goodnight and I responded with a smile of my own. I wasn't up to trying to talk like a girl yet, although I was pretty sure I could do that too. I noticed one of the young men at the loans desk check out my tits as I walked by, but he quickly averted his eyes when I casually glanced in his direction. I felt a shiver of excitement race down my spine as I left. Had he pegged me as a boy dressed as a girl, or did he think my tits looked good? As a male, I knew a sly perve when I saw one, and he was definitely getting an eyeful. Girls are meant to hate men who perve at them, but he made me feel good. I felt so confident now as a girl.

Reluctantly I grabbed my bag from the locker and ducked into the male toilet. I headed to a cubicle and commenced my transformation back into a boy.

I left the male toilets with my bag hung over my shoulder just as my mother pulled up outside the library. Everything had gone to plan. It was a perfect evening. I drifted off to sleep that night, happier and more contented than I had been for many years.

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