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On the Run

I called his number again with my cell phone. Still no answer. Before I could change my mind, I got out of my car and walked quickly to his apartment building. I bounded up the stairs to his apartment, put his key in the lock and held my breath. What if he had changed the locks? Could he have an alarm system?

No on both counts. As soon as I was inside, I could tell that he was still single. No woman would put up with a dump like this. It was the same apartment I remembered, only the furniture was worn and shabby now, and the floor was littered with dirty clothes and newspapers. I peeked into his bedroom, where the unmade bed was covered with more dirty clothes. I thought I saw a uniform shirt. I picked it up and read the nametag. “Valley Pool Service” in bold letters, and “Brian” in cursive below. Oh my God. I sat down on the edge of his bed, and started to cry. Brian Robbins was reduced to cleaning swimming pools, thanks to me.

I wiped my eyes and got up to leave. I was out in the hall when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. What if it was Brian? I turned around and started walking away from the stairs, past Brian’s apartment and down the hall. I heard a key in a lock and turned around to catch a glimpse of Brian opening his door. His apartment might be a dump, but the years working outdoors had not been unkind to him. He was as handsome as I remembered, in terrific shape, and deeply tanned.

I waited until he went inside, and then I did something which to this day I cannot explain. I walked back to his apartment and knocked on the door. My knees were shaking as I waited for him to open it. When he saw me, at first he didn’t know who I was. It was only after I removed my cap and sunglasses that he realized it was me. I waited for him to say something, anything. He just stood and stared at me. It occurred to me that he was waiting for me to speak.

“Brian, I’m so sorry,” I blurted out, then I began to cry again. He stood there, silently, watching me break down. Then he pulled me into his apartment and closed the door.

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