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Southern Hospitality Ch. 02

It may have been an experience he'd only had the once, but it was one he couldn't forget. He was, of course, still tight, but that pain was less than it had been, replaced in part with a little soreness and with a lot of sensitivity, it may have been a good idea if he had given it slightly more time between his first and second session with her, but it was too late for such thoughts.
She pressed forward, eyes following the path of her cock as it traversed between his pillowy cheeks, spearing him and sinking into the welcoming heat of his ass, enveloping her sensitive cockhead in the wonderfully pleasurable depths of her lover.
Ash let out a rasping little gasp as he became increasingly pinned between the woman and water at his back and the cold clear shower wall in front of him. He felt her traverse deeper inside him, not stopping until her pelvis was pressed eagerly against his girly butt, her length buried inside him, curving upwards with his standing angle, rubbing at new and interesting spots within him, leaving him squirming on her cock, wanting to feel more.
She wouldn't leave him wanting for long, her hands both moving down to hold his waist, pressing down slightly so he arched his back, presenting her a slightly easier angle for what she had planned.
He bit his lip and stared at his own reflection, almost transparent in the foggy glass, the need for more, the submissiveness. He could hardly believe it was him. He felt her withdraw until only half of her thick, precum drooling cock was left inside him, their moans intertwining in the acoustics of the shower unit as she pressed forward, her body bumping into his, rocking him forward on his heels before she withdrew again.
Her pace was slow and steady, but building in momentum, no pretense needed this morning, no gentle seduction required, no worry of spooking him, this was more basic, more animalistic. Last night they had made love. This morning she was having a quickie in the shower, fucking her boy toy. Though, given that she had already spent a load this morning, it might not be so quick. But he would enjoy every second.

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