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Picture Perfect
“What do you mean, you won’t? Carlos demanded, squinting into the sun. “Just what I said, I replied. Carlos was a gorgeous guy, with dark, wavy hair; a deep, tropical tan; even teeth, as white Chicklets; broad shoulders; a deep chest; a flat, firm belly; strong arms and legs;... Read full Story
The Tease
To Jamie, nothing on earth could compare to the beauty of a thick, hard cock standing upright against a young man's firm, flat belly--well, a circumcised cock, at any rate; she didn't like the look of an uncut penis, especially when it was flaccid. But a cut cock! There was nothing prettier! She lov... Read full Story
A Little Payback
Of course we'd all heard about it, how couldn't we? Apparently the drug had been invented originally for couples who were into the whole dominance/submission thing. Women who had more submissive boyfriends could make them look more like they felt on the inside or something like that, anyways that's ... Read full Story
Why I’ll Never Go Sharking Again Chapter 2
Earlier today, I was raped by a shemale. It was my first sexual experience with anyone not carrying two X chromosomes. It hurt like hell, at first and to be totally honest, I'm still sore. But it also felt really good after a while. The sensation of being.....what's the word I'm looking for here...&... Read full Story
My Mom the Whore
Since junior high I love the way women clothes look and feel. Sometimes after school I would wear my mom panties and bras I didn't think nothing odd that all my mom underwear where a bit sexy and revealing, but I was a dumb kid who started his life in cross-dressing. Not into several years ... Read full Story